Category: ISSUES
In five seasons, we have lost 43 days of ice on Carson Lake, and if this is a trend which continues, we should be ice free about 2035.
Gypsy Moth Control Measures
For more information, check out the following from the Madawaska Valley Current
Disaster Averted/Pitch-In-Litter Pick-up (April 2021 Message)
Wendy, you always ask me to let you know if we ever find things of interest while doing litter pick-up …
Pending Changes to Boater’s License
Do you use a boat with an outboard motor (10 horsepower or greater) that requires a Pleasure Craft Licence (PCL)? …
Member Survey Results-Fireworks
Do you agree or disagree with a complete ban on using fireworks near our lakes? Answered: 47 Skipped: 0 ANSWER …
Microplastics In Madawaska Watershed
“Microplastics are known to persist in the environment at high levels, particularly in aquatic ecosystems. Fibres come from such items …
Carson Lake Provincial Park & the Algonquin Land Claim: What does it Mean?
The Algonquins of Ontario assert that they have Aboriginal rights and title that have never been extinguished, and have continuing …